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Bird Dog Landing Page Emails Make You List Fistfuls of Cash

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Pay The Bird Dog

This Bird Dog was Bird Dogging a $200K motivated seller with 40% Renturly for a Miami Apartment Unit.

Benefits of Buying A Miami Condo

  • There is less maintenance in a condo.
  • Many condos offer locked entrances.
  • They have workout facilities.
  • They are affordable.
  • Inflation.
  • They can be downtown.

They brought me a $300K Fistfuls of Cash in Miami with a 50 mile radius for that Apartment Unit. They were matched with that Apartment Unit and a Fort Lauderdale Apartment Unit for $5,555.

Downside Of Buying A Miami Condo


You want the fees to be managed properly

Live by the management’s rules

And was Bird Dogging that Urly Bird.

That Fistfuls of Cash attracted a Bird Dog from Facebook.

Access The Flock.

Birds of a Feather Bring Me Renturly