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I Want 50 Renturly From Hampton SC

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Pay The Bird Dog

It’s $10K.

I want $5K a year from Hampton, SC Detached SFRs.

Bring me the money and I might buy it.

If I had the money.

No Money Down

I have a cash buyer. $30M looking with a radius around Atlanta.

I don’t know if they will buy out of State.

If I could get some of that money.

I know billionaires aren’t easy to part with their money.

…But it’s 50% Renturly.

I can get 7% for making the purchase.

It’s just like in Canada… I don’t know if the States will go for a 7% commission. They’ll just laugh.

This is for a house. Not a $multi-billion portfolio.

They don’t want to wait.

They want the cash now. 

$700*12, $8400.

The price is too high. I have too many buyers and sellers. 

Bring me bigger deals.

Birds of a Feather Bring Me Renturly