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$30K Houses

Access Your Vetted Cash Buyer And Motivated Seller List Now!

Pay The Bird Dog

Everything is $30K houses.

That’s just the way the value is working out.

You can still buy hotels — There is a Flock of Hotels on Access The Flock right now.

You can buy a $20K house with a $1K downpayment and refinance it if it’s worth $100K to Pay The Bird Dog with.

The mortgage is Fistfuls of Cash.

Call $20K the purchase price and $100K the market value.

Even though you have a $1K downpayment the bank can appraise the property and get a market value when you refinance. 

I just got a listing in Columbus, OH; Columbus, OH has all the money.

Bring me $300 a month.

Property Repairs

Buy a 5% cap rate so that the property can Renturly even though it’s an 80% discount.

I need Bird Dogs to Bring Me 80% Discount Properties.

Birds of a Feather Bring Me Renturly